2D information and routines

Welcome to 2D at Nose Creek Elementary.

Welcome back to school!  I hope that you and your family have had a fantastic summer.  I’m very excited about my new class and to have the opportunity to work with you and your child. This letter contains information that is important for the school year. Please keep it as a reference.

Homework: By setting aside 15 to 20 minutes each school night to complete the various homework activities, your child will not only develop positive work habits and a consistent routine, but it will also have a tremendous impact on improving their skills and their self-confidence. Thank you so much for your support in this area.

Home reading:  At Nose Creek Elementary, our focus is reading.  Your child will bring home a leveled book every night.  As part of the grade two program it is expected that your child will read at least fifteen minutes each evening.  Practicing the skills and strategies they have been learning at school is such an important part of the “learning to read, loving to read” process.  We will begin our home reading program this month and we will be having  Literacy Workshop to outline the details of the program.  I can assure you that this is time well spent.  Please remember that home reading is not meant to be an assessment of your child’s reading, but the opportunity to read “just right” reading books.  It’s the “Love to Read” part of our program.

Sight Words:  Each week, the students will be tested on the Fry 3000 sight word list.  10 new words will be written in their home literacy log and sent home to be practiced and hopefully mastered each week.  These words should be practiced until they are considered recognizable on sight (the student should not have to sound out or break down the word).  Practicing these words, which appear most often in print, will allow your child to become a more fluent reader with better comprehension.   A list of practice strategies will also be sent home and posted on the website.

Power of Ten: Among other strategies, we will be using the Power of Ten program this year to teach and reinforce basic facts, number sense, problem solving and functional math skills.  Watch for playing cards, information and activities that you can use at home to help your child better understand math and its applications.  Refer to our website for information about the program and ways to help you better understand the program and videos to help you learn the games.


Agendas/Home School Communication:

The agenda is sent home on a daily basis. Please initial it daily as this is my only way of knowing that you have seen the agenda message and received any important notices.  Please feel free to communicate information to me through the agenda, by email, phone or drop in before or after school.


Supplies: Students are supplied with all materials required to work at school.  While it is nice to have things like binders, gel pens and notebooks, these items are unnecessary and result in extra clutter and parental expense. I would ask that you send only the following items:


  • pencil box or pencil case
  • 2 boxes of kleenex that will be stockpiled by myself and shared by the class
  • headphones for computers/iPads.  No ear buds please.
  • painting shirt for art


Daily Physical Activity: Our class will be having gym 4 periods/week with a grade 3 class, climbing wall at least once per week and other daily physical activities through out the week.   It is therefore important that students have appropriate indoor running shoes at school every day.  On days when weather permits, the students will go outside for recreation, and should wear appropriate outdoor shoes in which they can comfortably participate in P.E. activities.


Clothing/Shoes: Students require two pairs of shoes; one for indoor use and the other for outside.  If your child has runners with laces please ensure they are able to tie them. Otherwise please send a pair they are able to do up independently. We have daily physical education, so students must have appropriate running shoes at school every day.


The temperature in the classroom is not within the teacher’s control, and it can get cool in the winter.  Please send a sweater or hoody for your child to remain comfortable.  Also, please ensure your child has warm and extra dry clothing during the cold and wet winter months.  The playground gets very mucky and warm dry boots and snow/splash pants are essential.


Bookbags: Each student will be given a bookbag to keep all of their school related books in.  Each bookbag has the student’s name on a tag.  Please ensure that the bookbags are cared for (no marks or stains) and used each day to transport books and written communication.


Scholastic Book Orders subscriptions: As already outlined, reading is a strong focus at NCE.  To help you provide reading materials for your child at home, monthly Scholastic book orders will be sent home.  Please do not feel any pressure to order if you choose not to.  If you do choose to order, rest assured that I use the dividends from the orders to purchase books for the classroom library, home reading and as gifts. The due date for the orders will be written in the agendas.  Please ensure orders and funds are returned in an envelope or baggie with your child’s name and class on it.

Classroom Volunteers: Volunteers are always welcome in 2D (except Fridays, usually :)  All help is appreciated and it also allows you to see first hand what your child is doing in our classroom.  You can schedule times by either going through the website  https://www.signupgenius.com/register, or by writing me a note in your child's agenda.

Nutrition: One health unit in grade 2 is Nutrition.  To reinforce these concepts and healthy living, please ensure that your child has a nutritious snack (for before recess) as well as a nutritious and plentiful lunch. Students are asked to take any food that they have not eaten home again, so that you, the parent is aware of what your child is eating (or not) at school.

Students will be allowed to keep a water bottle (filled with water only) on their desk during class time. They will be encouraged to take it home each night to be cleaned.


NCE is a “peanut aware” school and we request that you refrain from sending peanut products to school to keep children with peanut allergies safe.  We do have a child in our class with nut allergies, and I also have allergies to some nuts.


Birthdays: In the classroom, birthdays will be acknowledged on or near your child’s birthday. Summer birthdays will be acknowledged in June.  ***Please  note***  With the growing number of food allergies and in an effort to promote healthy eating habits, I request birthday treats not be sent.  Thank you for your co-operation.


Technology: NCE has a website, and I use the 2D page to provide information and resources for parents and links to activities for students.  In class, the internet will be used, as well as school supported software and especially using Notebook software for the Smartboard.  The students will use the Smartboard and MacBook computers on a regular basis and have opportunities to use Ipad technology. Refer to our school website on a regular basis for information and updates of what we are doing in 2D using technology. http://nosecreek.rockyview.ab.ca/Members/sdezengoski


Art: Art will be taught in the classroom by myself.  Please send a paint shirt to school, as we will be getting messy.


Music: Mrs. Kenealey will be teaching your child music this year.  We will be having music on Tuesday and Friday.


Suitcase Surprise/ Reporters: We do not do “show and tell” in 2D, but each student will have the opportunity to share items and stories from home when we start with Suitcase Surprise in the fall and Reporters in January.  Further information will follow as each program starts.


Electronic devices: Students are not allowed to bring any hand held electronic devices to school.  This includes cell phones and hand held games.  Please have your child keep these at home.


Gifts: It is my experience that some families and students show their appreciation and caring by buying gifts for teachers at various times of the year. While I certainly appreciate all sentiments and efforts that accompany teacher gifts, I ask that you otherwise use those resources to buy a book for your child or make a donation to your favourite children’s charity in my name.  I have an abundant life and need nothing.  My rewards come from working with your child, and you as a team, to further your child’s education and well being.


A Special Request: I have one very important request to make.  I believe that every parent has an understanding of their child that in depth and breadth is far greater than any teacher can hope to have.  It would be of immense benefit to your child and this teacher for you to share that knowledge. For that reason I am asking you to send me a letter sharing your thoughts and observations about your child.   Education is much more than knowing the facts.  It is about building relationships and deepening understanding.  The more you can tell me about the child, the more understanding I will gain of that child as an individual.  Anything in your letter will be held in confidence and used only to benefit your child.


The previous information is intended to be a comprehensive overview of some procedures and routines in our classroom.  Please keep it on hand and refer to it throughout the year if questions arise. Also, please feel free to contact me via a note in your child’s agenda, by email or a phone call to the school before or after class time. I look forward to hearing from you if there is ever a question or concern about anything to do with your child’s experience at school. Your invaluable home support is truly a vital aspect of your child’s success at school. By working as a team, we will all experience an exciting and rewarding year.


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