Literacy in Kindergarten

Language Arts


Students use language arts through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing, and representing knowledge and skills of language.  All the language arts are interrelated and interdependent; facility in one strengthens and supports the others.


Contributes ideas: Ability to share ideas relevant to the topic under discussion.

Expresses ideas effectively: Ability to organize and communicate.

Ex.) Show and Tell and Social Studies Puzzle Pieces


Listens and responds with understanding: Ability to identify main ideas, details and evaluate ideas being presenting verbally.

Follows instructions: Ability to show evidence of understanding directions.

Reading and Writing

Applies reading strategies: uses strategies and cues to decode at their Home Reading level. Responds to texts.

Demonstrates comprehension: Ability to read and understand.

Begins to create text in journals.  Understands forms, elements, and writing techniques.  Practicing legibility.  At the end of Kindergarten, can print first and last name, using proper upper and lower case letters and proper letter formation (Handwriting Without Tears).

Ex.) Home Reading Program, Daily agenda messages, Journals and The Very Hungry Kindergartener books.


Views and responds with understanding: Ability to absorb and react to information presented in pictorial, symbolic, and combinations of visual images.


Communicates ideas through a variety of media: Ability to present information effectively using media (eg: technology, art, drama).

Language Arts is assessed by: Success with Home Reading, Oral Assessment, Observations, Participation

Home Reading

At Nose Creek Elementary we believe that home reading is a key component to your child's education. Students should be reading daily for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. This daily practice should be enjoyable for you and your child. Please remember to record their reading in the manner requested by their teacher.

Word Rings

In Kindergarten, we have implemented ‘Word Rings’ that are sent home daily with each student.  There are 25 Power Words that each child should recognize by the end of Kindergarten.  We also send a list of many other high frequency words to be practiced at home.  When your child has mastered the 5 words on his/her word ring, we will add new high frequency words to his/her ring to build on their word knowledge. Each child will then be able to work at his/her individual level.

The first twelve power words/sight words introduced in kindergarten make up 25% of most text.  Students are expected to know these twelve words by the end of the school year.

These include:

  • a
  • and
  • the
  • it
  • is
  • in
  • was
  • of
  • to
  • he
  • I
  • that

Additional high frequency power/sight words introduced this year include:

  • here
  • come
  • you
  • on
  • for
  • my
  • went
  • see
  • like
  • up
  • go
  • she
  • said

Together these two lists comprise 50% of what adults read.

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