1K Language Arts

Language Arts



Students use the language arts they have already learned through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing, and representing knowledge and skills of language. They will demonstrate increasing confidence and improve their abilities to use language to explore, construct and communicate meaning.


Contributes ideas: Ability to share ideas relevant to the topic under discussion.
Expresses ideas effectively: Ability to organize and communicate.


Listens and responds with understanding: Ability to identify main ideas, details and evaluate ideas being presenting verbally.
Follows instructions: Ability to show evidence of understanding directions.


Applies reading strategies: Ability to use the context, material, phonetics to identify unknown words.
Read fluently: Ability to read at an age-appropriate rate, recognizing expression, punctuation, and meaning, both orally and silently.
Demonstrates comprehension: Ability to read, understand, and work with the information gathered.


Content: Ability to produce age-appropriate quantity of meaningful writing.
Development of ideas: Organization of written ideas in a coherent manner.
Mechanics: Ability to identify and use correct punctuation, capitalization, and layout.
Spelling: Ability to identify and use appropriate spelling both on word lists and in daily work.
Legibility: Ability to print neatly with correct letter formation.


Views and responds with understanding: Ability to absorb and react to information presented in pictorial, symbolic, and combinations of visual images.


Communicates ideas through a variety of media: Ability to present information effectively using media (eg: technology, art, drama).

Language Arts is assessed by: PM Benchmarks, Oral and Written Informal Assessment, Observations, Group Work, Participation

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