Summary of Home Reading in 4T

Home Reading in 4T looks like...

Each student should be reading approximately 15-20 minutes a night, 4 or more nights a week. If a student misses a night, please try to make it up on a different night.

Along with reading a guided reading book at the RIGHT level, each student will be working on a writing skill to help demonstrate their understanding of the book. For EACH SKILL:

  1. We will practice together in class.

  2. We will talk about what a good example looks like, and what it should NOT look like. A picture of what a good example looks like will be attached in the assignment in google classroom.

  3. Students will have the rest of the week to finish the written work in their HOME READING scribbler or complete it online in our google classroom.. If they complete their work in their blue Home Reading scribbler, please take a picture and attach it to the assignment.

  4. Their written work will be due EVERY MONDAY MORNING. If they are unable to finish, we will work on it together during recess until it is finished. If Monday is a holiday, it will be due the next school day.

  5. If a student finishes early, they are free to submit their Home Reading online via google classroom.

  6. Remember to KEEP reading even if you have finished your written response. Books will return on MONDAYs and be put in the 72 hour quarantine bin.

  7. The skills will start out at a level that all students should have no problem completing. They will continue to grow and develop during the school year, so check back often to see what skill we are working on.

    This is a link to our Google Classroom. Students can log access it by logging into their account (found in the front of their scribbler), and then proceeding to the Google classroom. If you have trouble, please ask your child to talk to me and I will try to help them solve the problem.


    For your Home Reading responses, please include:

    Title of your book
    Reading level of your book
    Page numbers (if applicable)
    These are the ESSENTIALS.



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